There are a lot of important things in MMORPGs but arguably nothing is more important than vanity items. These are the little things you do mind numbing events or participate in certain events to receive. With Black Desert finally landing on the PlayStation 4, these are especially important, as you’re going to want any advantage at the start.
Finding Your Items

Locating your rewards is pretty much what you’d expect from an MMORPG like Black Desert. After pushing start, navigate to mail and you should see a message with a box. Accept the box and it will be sent to your inventory.

After heading there, you should see a box that contains all your rewards.

Simply select it and a screen will appear asking if you want to use it. Doing so will unlock these items for you.
Version Differences
Anyone who purchases the base game will get the snow wolf dog, 30 day value pack and 1,000 pearls, which is the games virtual currency. Those willing to spend a bit more on the deluxe edition get the aforementioned pet, plus the 60 day version of the value pack, 2,000 pearls, a tier 3 horse and the Calpehon Charger’s horse gear set. And, if you want to be like me and go all out, ultimate edition owners get the pet and armor, plus 90 days value pack, junaid cat pet, a tier 5 horse, trainers flute, 10 combat/life/skill experience scrolls, a storage maid, 3,000 pearls, unique outfit and Bell Enhoc wagon set. The latter two will also grant early access, which at the time of posting is currently going on, making it a must if you just want to get ahead.
Beta and Preorder Rewards
If you participated in the beta or preordered Black Desert you should get an additional reward. Beta players get the sky-hawk pet, where as preordering will give you different perks based off tier.
Standard edition owners get 3x Elion’s Tear and a title. If you step up to the deluxe edition you getting a title, 5x Elion’s Tear and german Shepard pet. Finally, ultimate edition owners get 10x Elion’s Tear, a title, exclusive Shudad weapon and outfit, plus a tier 2 Young Fogan pet.
According to reports, preorder and beta participation rewards will go out once Black Desert officially launches on Aug. 22, 2019.