The new Xbox, largely known as Project Scarlett, has finally been revealed and is currently scheduled to release holiday 2020.
The next generation Xbox is currently called Project Scarlett. According to the people behind the upcoming console, Project Scarlett will be 4x more powerful than the Xbox One X and will have a much higher resolution and faster frame rate. Also, they mentioned that one components of the new console is the inclusion of a SSD drive, which means games will load and install faster. It’s unsure whether the SSD drive will be the standard SATA SSD drive or the M.2 NVME.
Since we are about a year and a half away from the official release, not much information was announced. We should hear more about Project Scarlett and an official reveal most likely at E3 2020.
If you want to get a feel for what to expect, check the above video to see how the developers describe it.