Warner Bros. has now released a new trailer for the Tomb Raider movie coming out later this year starring Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft. In this second new trailer that came out earlier today, we get a glimpse of the story of the film plus see more of its exciting looking action scenes.
The 2018 Tomb Raider movie is loosely based on the 2013 video game of the same name. Lara Croft is 21 years old and she wants to find out what happened to her father. She does not know what happened to him when he was gone, but she will soon find out that he did not lead an normal life like other dads around the world.
In search of her father, Lara Croft ends up on a mysterious island near Japan. Her jounrey won’t be easy because a group of bad guys calling themselves ‘Trinity’ are on the island. The leader of the group knows of Croft’s father and he is also not going to make Lara know the truth without fighting.
Looking at the trailer, the movie looks beautiful thanks to its island setting. The movie also promises to include a lot of action sequences much like the video game itself. Not to mention Alicia Vikander looks great as Lara Croft as she resembles the 2013 character model a lot. Hopefully the movie is good because many video game films fail to impress critics and fans.
Anyway, you can watch the exciting new trailer from the movie below. The full movie comes out on March 16th, 2018 in North America. Hopefully the movie can become a Box Office success so Hollywood studios will be more encouraged to make even more video game films in the near future.