The PS4 console continues to be a worldwide juggernaut. Shipments for the console have reached over 60 million units worldwide.
Sony announced the new feat for the PS4 console via its most recent financial report. The 60 million unit mark was reached as of March 31st, 2017.
In terms of the last quarter, 2.9 million consoles were sold. This is up from the 2.3 million units that were sold in the same quarter in the previous year. This could be thanks to the plethora of great exclusives that have come out recently.
The console continues to sell well, although it will have stiff competition. The Nintendo Switch is doing well for itself and Microsoft will be selling the Xbox Project Scorpio at the end of the year. Sony shouldn’t worry though as the user base remains high and more exclusives and big third party titles are still on the way.