August 17th-23th marks the first wave of AAA titles, a trend that will continue nearly every week through the Holiday season. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition marks both the debut for next-gen consoles as well as the console release of the Reaper of Souls expansion, bundled into every release of the UEE. Hatoful Boyfriend, exclusively on PC, should ruffle a few feathers with its pigeon-centric dating sim. Both Tales of Xillia 2 and Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment should appease any cravings for an action JRPG and we’ll have reviews for both of these titles up later this week.
Chess 2: The Sequel (PC)
Counter Spy (PS3/PS4/Vita)
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition (PS3/PS4/XB360/XB1)
Hotline Miami (PS4)
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare (PS3/PS4)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (PS Vita)
Tales of Xillia 2 (PS3)
Demon King Box (3DS eShop)
Hatoful Boyfriend (PC)
Shadowgate (PC)