The Elder Scrolls Online launched just a few weeks ago for the PC, with console versions for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 set to arrive on June 30. However, we have been given confirmation that the console version is much further away than originally scheduled, by six months to be exact.
Bethesda made the announcement this morning, leaving many next gen system adopters without this highly anticipated MMO until the coming holiday season. Here is a snippet from Bethesda’s PR release.
While it has become clear that out planned June release of the console versions isn’t going to be possible, we have made great progress, we have concluded that we’ll need about six more months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve.
The announcement pointed out that working with Sony and Microsoft’s networks has attributed to this setback. While this is unfortunate, Bethesda now has more time to optimize their game and bring console gamers the experience they deserve at launch.