When the PlayStation 4 received a recent update, one of the biggest new features was the ability to pre-order and pre-load games on PlayStation Network, with MLB 14: The Show being the first game to really try it out. However, those that pre-purchased the game were very disappointed when the game was not available beginning at 12:01 am last night.
The following tweets were posted at around 2 am ET last night by the official Twitter account for MLB 14: The Game.
We’re aware that some users are unable to download the PS4 game from the PS Store. We’re working with the PS Store team to resolve asap
thanks for your patience, we won’t rest until you guys are playing
The game is sadly still not available as of this writing, but Sony is working hard to get it up and running as soon as possible. Hopefully this will at the very least help with future launches to prevent something like this occurring.