Nintendo’s latest Virtual Console attempt with the Game Boy Advance has been one of their most successful by speed of releases easily, with tons of top tier GBA games already out in the Wii U in just the first month. Now, it have been revealed that Mega Man Battle Network 3 will be joining the party in the future.
This is big news, as it is the first third-party title to be announced for the GBA VC, and brings the potential for many more Capcom games on the system. A Capcom spokeperson had the following to say about the news:
We are working on bringing this and other GBA titles to the North American Virtual Console. We’ll have more information about the lineup in the coming months. For Australia and Europe, we are still in discussions about the release of Virtual Console titles for those markets.
This announcement revealed that both Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue Version and Mega Man Battle Network 3: White Versions will be coming, so don’t fret about not getting to choose your favorite version.