South Park: The Stick of Truth includes four classes — Warrior, Mage, Thief and Jew — to choose from, each with their own unique powers. The game doesn’t let you see these abilities before you make your choice and since these PP-powered actions are the only defining difference between classes, we figured they are an important factor in deciding how you want to play. So, without further ado, here is a breakdown of all four characters classes and their unlockable abilities.
Assault and Battery: Clobber your foe with a baseball bat. On a Perfect Success, deal additional attacks.
Level II: Improved batting technique increases your damage.
Level III: Stunned targets take additional damage.
Level IV: Restore a small amount of HP with each hit.
Level V: Each swing of the bat now inflicts Bleeding damage.
Roshambo: A swift kick in the balls resolves a surprising number of disputes. Stuns your foe if done perfectly.
Level II: On a Perfect Success, you can launch a follow-up kick that ignores Armor and Shields.
Level III: A Perfect Success, now terrifies all nearby enemies, inflicting Defense Down.
Level IV: Your precision gonad kicks now also inflict Gross Out.
Bull Rush: Charge, headfirst into an enemy, having Armor, removing shields, and inflicting Defense Down.
Level II: Increase the damage of your Bull Rush move.
Level III: Deal an additional amount of damage based on your Armor.
Level IV: On a Perfect Success, you can launch a follow-up helmet spike that causes Bleeding.
Level V: Take another action if Bull Rush knocks out your target.
Horn of Irritation: Strips bugs from your primary target while taunting all foes – forcing them to attack you without special abilities.
Level II: Remove bugs from all enemies – not just your chosen target.
Level III: Deafens all foes – causing Attack Down and Defense Down.
Level IV: Rally your team with increase Attack and Ability damage.
Level V: Greatly reduces the PP cost of using Horn of Irritation.
Ground Stomp: Crush your foes with a deadly pounce that hits all enemies. Deals more damage if done perfectly.
Level II: Cause extra damage based on how much Armor you have.
Level III: Inflict additional damage to your primary target.
Level IV: All enemies suffer Attack Down from your disorienting assault.
Level V: Stun all enemies for one turn.
Dragon’s Breath: Roast your target with a barrage of flame. Inflicts Burning status on Perfect Success.
Level II: Increases the direct damage of all Dragon’s Breath hits.
Level III: Inflict damage to enemies directly above and below your target.
Level IV: Gain increased Ability Damage after a Perfect Success.
Level V: Dragon’s Breath attacks now melt away enemy armor with each hit.
Dust of Dreams: Distract your foe with “magical” sleeping powder. If successfully performed, leaves your target Stunned.
Level II: Inflict more damage with your stunning punch.
Level III: Inflict Defense Down on your target and any enemy behind him.
Level IV: Increase the duration of Stuns by one turn.
Level V: Reduces the PP cost to use this ability.
Lightning Volt: Zap your target with armor-melting, shield-destroying lightning. On a Perfect Success, additional enemies take damage.
Level II: Increases the damage of all Lightning Volt hits.
Level III: Supercharges your attack, causing your lightning to jump to an additional target.
Level IV: Casting Lightning Volt now creates a shield around your that zaps melee attackers.
Level V: Adds another bounces to your Lightning Volt attack.
Funnel of Frost: Blasts a row of enemies with a freezing attack that removes beneficial status effects. Slows enemies on a Perfect Success.
Level II: Numbs your enemies, inflicting Attack Down.
Level III: Further freezes your foes, inflicting Defense Down.
Level IV: Funnel of Frost now fires in a cone-shaped pattern.
Level V: Enemies now suffer additional damage for each beneficial status effect removed by this attack.
Pyre Ball: Hurls a ball of explosive joy at your foes – if done successfully, strikes every enemy in combat.
Level II: Increases the damage of your Pyre Ball.
Level III: Pyre Ball now inflicts Burning on all enemies.
Level IV: Pyre Ball now inflicts Attack Down on any survivors.
Level V: Your Pyre Ball now ignores (but does not remove) all Armor and Shields on your enemies.
Backstasb: Slips it into the last enemy in a row, dealing heavy damage and if done successfully, Bleeding as well.
Level II: Increases the damage of your Backstab attacks.
Level III: Backstab now deals extra damage for every stack of Bleeding on the target!
Level IV: Successful Backstabs now inflict two stacks of Bleeding.
Level V: Stunned targets take additional damage.
Mug: Stuns your targets on a Perfect Success and then steals an item from their inventory.
Level II: Increases the damage of your Mug attacks.
Level III: Successful stealing attempts now also swipe a random beneficial status effect from your target.
Level IV: When you successfully steal from an enemy, you also restore a few HP.
Level V: Increases the duration of the Stun inflicted by Mug.
Execute: Pummel an enemy with a flying barrage of Armor-shredding and Shield-smashing weaponry.
Level II: Inflict more damage with your finishing strike!
Level III: Inflict extra damage against stunned targets.
Level IV: Savor the violence and gain Attack Up after a Perfect Success.
Level V: Take another action if Execute knocks out your target.
Stink Bombs: Toss rotten eggs at your target, causing Gross Out and removing beneficial status effects. Throw more eggs when done perfectly.
Level II: Increases the damage inflicted by each stink bomb.
Level III: Increases the number of stink bombs thrown per turn.
Level IV: Stink Bombs now Piss Off your foes, forcing them to attack you without special abilities.
Level V: Unlocks a finishing throw that hurls the remaining carton of eggs are your foes.
Death of a Thousand Cuts: Call on your shadowy network of Thieves to ambush your foes with a barrage of attacks, each causing Bleeding if done perfectly.
Level II: Increases the damage of each hit delivered by Death of a Thousand Cuts.
Level III: Enemies struck now suffer Attack Down.
Level IV: Reduces the PP cost to use this ability.
Level V: Each successful hit now restores some HP.
Sling of David: Casts the first stone at any enemy. Deals more damage if done perfectly, but can lead to self-injury if done improperly.
Level II: Increases the damage of your Sling.
Level III: Inflicts Attack Down and Pissed Off – forcing enemies to target you without using special abilities.
Level IV: Your sling attacks now bounce to a random additional target.
Level V: The more damage you have suffered, the more powerful your Sling becomes.
Jew-Jitsu: Utilizes a secret Jewish martial art to pummel your target with a Stunning strike.
Level II: Increases the damage dealt by your Jew-Jitsu attacks.
Level III: The more damage you have suffered, the more powerful Jew-Jistu becomes.
Level IV: After a successful attack, you are protected by a divine shield that stops the next hit.
Level V: Take another action if Jew-Jitsu knocks out your target
Circum-scythe: Slices off the Armor and Shields of your target while inflicting Bleeding damage to a sensitive area.
Level II: Increases the damage of your Circum-scythe attacks.
Level III: On a Perfect Success, Circum-scythe now inflicts two stacks of Bleeding.
Level IV: Circum-scythe now inflicts Defense Down.
Level V: Your Circum-scythe attack now leaves all other enemies Grossed Out.
Whirling Doom: Sends your dreidel bouncing between random enemies, stripping away all beneficial status effects from all enemies hit.
Level II: Increases the damage of all dreidel hits.
Level III: Dreidel attacks now bounce to more targets.
Level IV: On a Perfect Success, all negative status effects on the New Kid are cured.
Level V: Cleanse your foes with fire, inflicting Burning with all dreidel hits.
Plagues of Egypt: Summon a mix of Pestilence, Fiery Hail, Frogs, and Flying Insects to deliver woe unto all your enemies.
Level II: Sinners beware, your plagues now inflict more damage.
Level III: Each time you visit Pestilence or Fiery Hail upon your foes, your team gains Attack Up.
Level IV: Each time you visit Frogs or Flying Insects upon your foes, your team gains Ability Up.
Level V: You may visit an additional plague upon the wicked during your turn.
prajapati Reply
March 12, 2014 at 9:55 AMBattles themselves take the form of a turn-based RPG, with a few wrinkles that make it a little more action-oriented. During combat, quick-time event icons flash right as you go to attack or block; by hitting the correct button during these prompts, you’ll do more damage or mitigate incoming attacks more effectively. It’s a simple but engaging system, though you might find it annoying to continually have to time button presses once you reach Stick of Truth’s final stretch.South Park: Stick of Truth Gameplay