Amazon and Newegg have both just received a new shipment of the always out-of-stock PlayStation 4 systems. Those who have had trouble locating one of Sony‘s elusive consoles can have one sitting on their front doorstep in the very near future, if they act fast. If recent trends dictate anything, this new stock won’t last very long.
It is worth noting that people looking to just grab the console and little else should go with Amazon. Why, you ask? Newegg is requiring that their new PlayStation 4’s be sold as part of a combo deal. This means that the cheapest price you can pay for the next gen platform on Newegg is $599.99. The aforementioned bundle includes a Sony PlayStation 4 Console, a copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall and a Sony PlayStation Vita 3G/WiFi Handheld Gaming System.
There are a wide range of other bundles, ones with an HDTV or Xbox One, some of which surpass the $1,000 mark. Depending on your current technological needs, you may wish to go the simpler (and cheaper) route through Amazon.