Tenkai Knights is a very new anime series that is currently airing on Cartoon Network in the US. Oddly enough, the series hit the US before Japan, where it still hasn’t aired yet. As with most popular kids television shows, a game has been announced for the Nintendo 3DS called Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle.
The game was announced as coming by Namco Bandai, who gave the following description for the game:
Players will step into the role of one of the four Tenkai Knight heroes and engage in 2D robot combat in either the mission-based Story mode to live the Tenkai Knight experience or compete against up to three friends in the Versus mode to determine who is the strongest. In order to become the most powerful hero, players will be able to customize their robot’s parts, enter various unit modes to support allies in battle, and modify their battle styles to exploit their enemy’s weaknesses. With the fate of two worlds in their hands, players must master their Tenkai powers, dive into the thick of battle and defeat Vilius and The Corrupted once and for all!
Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle will release exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS this coming summer in the US.