Sword Art Online is the very popular anime series that just reached the US earlier this year. The series received a special on New Year’s Eve in Japan, where a second series was even announced. On that same day, we also received a brand new trailer for the upcoming PlayStation Vita title Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment.
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment takes place in the show’s universe, but with you taking control of a completely original character named Filia. You will interact with the characters you know on the show such as Kirito, as well as brand new characters to the game. According to Crunchyroll, the limited edition release of the game will come with:
-abec original limited edition storage box
-First release limited production limited package
-Soundtrack CD
-Special contents BD
-CD & BD storage special case
-Mini clear poster
-Special booklet (Dengeki Nerve Gear vol.2)
There is also a pre-order incentive of wedding dress outfit for those that are interested. Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment arrives on April 24 in Japan for the PlayStation Vita. There is currently no release known for outside of Japan, but we will let you know as soon as it is announced. You can check out the new trailer below: