After an auction for an Xbox One went up yesterday, it was discovered that Target accidentally shipped a few consoles early due to system errors. While the first tried to sell the next generation Microsoft console on eBay, the second decided to open up the system and try it out, which has led to some impressions and new information on the somewhat mysterious next generation console.
The person that got this console, who goes by the name MoonlightSwami on Twitter, said that he was prompted to update the console upon startup. He said he was not sure if this 500 MB update was the day one update we’ve all heard before, but considering he was able to use the console after, it would be worth assuming. The system took exactly 17 seconds from boot to get to the dashboard, according to him. MoonlightSwami confirmed that the dashboard has only three tabs right now: Pins, Home, and Store, which he says makes it a lot more compact.
One of the biggest pieces of information he provided came from the fact that the store was already up and running, which led to him giving the file sizes of many of the available games that you can see below:
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – 20 GB
Dead Rising 3 – 19 GB
FIFA 14 – 8 GB
Just Dance 2014 – 22 GB
LocoCycle – 13 GB
Madden NFL 25 – 12 GB
NBA 2K14 – 43 GB
NBA Live 14 – 9 GB
Skylanders SWAP Force – 15 GB
Moonlight Swami also provided some pictures of the dashboard and such that you can check out in the gallery below.