In an effort to boost both marketable trades and console stock for the holidays, Gamestop is offering an extra 90% (yes, NINETY) percent increase on console trade-ins, with a small caveat.
This bonus trade-in offer at Gamestop is limited to just one day, that day being Sunday. Yes, only three days away (November 10th), Gamestop will be offering that 90% bonus for all console trade-ins, regardless if they need to be refurbished or not. The bonus trade-in credit comes into effect before any deductions for refurbishing are considered.
This promotion is targetted towards customers that have already reserved their Playstation 4 or Xbox One, although there may be chance for any other customer to trade in their old consoles as well. The stipulation is that credit must be used in some part to fund a next-gen purchase, be it console, game, or accessory.
With the Playstation 4 launch only one week away (and just two from the Xbox One!), are you excited to finally be a part of the next generation of gaming? Let us know in the comments below!