The last mini campaign isn’t bad but isn’t the best either. The Red Army mission I can say is pretty average. The mission that you get to do on this one is to infiltrate a Reich camp. If you love the stealth portion of the game, you will love this one. Expect to go through the mission sneaking around enemies, sniping them as you make your way to the end. Just make sure when you play this game, you mastered all the stealth skills that you learned from the main campaign. But then, if doing stealth isn’t your forte, you can always go rambo style.
Sure, three mini-campaigns might sound like a very long adventure but in reality, the experience you will get from this pack is short. In the three missions, you can finish it in an hour or two, depending on how good you are. With the Reich mission being the shortest, just don’t expect the DLC to offer a lengthy adventure, but then, what can you can expect from a $5 DLC?
No Innovation
The sad part in Faction Pack DLC doesn’t seem to innovate. Aside from it being short, It felt like none of the three missions are really mind blowing that innovates something new from the campaign. What you will experience in the DLC are recycled missions that you already encountered in the main campaign. When it comes to the narrative, this is where the the DLC falls flat. All of the three campaigns doesn’t have an interesting worth checking out. You will simply go do the mission and get over it.
Fans of Metro: Last Light will be tad disappointed to find out that the Faction Pack DLC doesn’t have anything new to offer aside from the recycled missions that are already experienced from the main campaign. Sure, the DLC is cheap and includes three mini-campaigns but the fact that it’s short and only one of the three missions stand out, spending that $5 will have to make you think really hard if it’s worth investing money into. Hopefully the next DLC will have something related to the story of Last Light.
[Editor’s Note: Metro: Last Light – Faction Pack DLC was reviewed on PC via Steam. A code was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]