Metal Gear Online made its debut with Metal Gear Solid 3 and was then featured in Metal Gear Solid 4. It will now return for Metal Gear Solid V.
Hideo Kojima said the following in an interview with CVG:
“Yes, we plan on creating Metal Gear Online. Multiplayer right now is being created at our LA studio as well as us. We’re working closely to create a vast multiplayer for all the fans.”
Metal Gear Online was popular among fans, although didn’t reach the heights of other multiplayer experiences. Still, it would be cool to see what new ideas they can bring to Metal Gear Online with Metal Gear Solid V.
June 14, 2013 at 12:40 AMThanks. I loved fooling around with this title. I hope that MGS5’s version (I guess we’re calling it MGO3?) addresses its deficiencies and ends up being more wildly successful than the last iteration.