#3- Devil May Cry (DMC)
Back in 2001, the hack and slash action genre shot up in popularity when the PlayStation 2 was released thanks to Devil May Cry. Following three titles on the PlayStation 2, the fourth one on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 was released, though it wasn’t as popular as the main three games. Attempting to bring back what the franchise had once been known for, Capcom released DmC: Devil May Cry, a game that focuses on the younger years of Dante. The very first time the game was revealed, many hated the demon hunter’s new look and this led to much controversy over the design changes, specifically the new hairstyle. As time progressed and the game finally released, the hate and criticism changed, for the most part, to favor the new DMC, leading to a successful reboot. The story may be something totally new, but the core action and execution of combos remain intact and that’s what fans really love about the series.