Several fixes and new additions are headed to Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition “soon” and we have all the details on the contents of this update. Check them out below:
Changes and Additions:
- Added an option to clear the quick select bar in the creative interface.
- Added an option to enable or disable bedrock fog, and set to off by default.
- Added an option to toggle the HUD off/on.
- Added an option to turn the player hand off/on.
- Added a crafting recipe for Golden Apples.
- Added a crafting recipe for Pumpkin Seeds.
- Made cakes stackable.
- Added a How To Play page for Host and Player options.
- Fix for a problem with signs in online games causing crashes.
- Fix for save renaming deleting the wrong save due to input received during the confirmation flow.
- Fix to the mob generation code to increase the number of animals in the world.
- Fix for chests being incorrectly lit, and rotated for maps from previous versions.
- Fix for problem with the eating animation being shown for players who weren’t eating.
- Fix for problem with chest lids not behaving properly.
- Fix for animals looking like they were taking damage when they shouldn’t.
- Fix for some sounds not playing when the player has an empty hand.
- Fix for lever sounds.
- Fix for fence gate sounds.
- Fix for splitscreen players sometimes having their settings zeroed.
- Fix for being damaged while flying over lava.
- Fix to stop lava, milk and water buckets being empty after use in creative mode.
- Fix for Leader of the Pack achievement being awarded incorrectly.
- Fix for leaderboard stats issue where value stored was incorrect.
- Fix for hitbox problems with glass panes and iron fence.
- Fix for small character display changing color to green.
- Fix for map rendering incorrectly in some situations with clouds disabled.
- Fix for block rendering problem at the edge of the map.
- Fix for splitscreen players not being able to mine in the tutorial.
- Fix for players not being able to sprint/sprint-fly in creative mode if the player was previously in survival mode with a low food bar.
- Fix for arrow damage not being ignored when PvP is turned off.
- Fix for activated pressure plates not working correctly.
- Fix for the low food bar hint appearing when loading a game in creative mode (usually the tutorial world saves).
- Fix to remove the player shadow when the Invisible option in the Host Privileges is used.
- Fix for Red Roses not being generated on the terrain.
- Fix for paintings being pushed by pistons.
- Fix so that players who can’t eat, due to the Trust Players option being off, do not get exhausted.
- Fix for the interface disappearing after a Share to Facebook action.
- Fix to limit the number of Slimes, Ghasts and Silverfish that can be spawned in a world.
- Fix for the cursor position in creative mode being able to go offscreen.
- Fix for players showing on maps when they should not be, after the player dies and respawns.
- Fix for capes displaying wrongly when sprint-flying.
- Fix for capes not displaying in the Nether.
- Fix for capes not displaying when the player respawns.
- Fix for tools taking damage in Creative Mode.
- Fix so Bows don’t need or use up Arrows in Creative Mode.
- Reduced the volume of the chest open/close sound effect