Last month we got the first DLC campaign for Borderlands 2, but Captain Scarlett and her Pirate’s Booty was plagued with problems. Be it the story, characters, weapons, drops, unique elements or even the raid bosses, it failed to impress and left several gamers unhappy. With Mister Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage now available for download, will it restore faith with fans or is it another lackluster cash in?
Lets check out what’s HOT and what’s NOT in our review of Mister Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage!
Feels like Borderlands 2
While Captain Scarlett and her Pirate’s Booty had some characters that somewhat suited the game, but Mister Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage has the same feel as the base game. This is largely due to already established characters interacting with the new characters. For instance, they introduce Mister Torgue by interrupting Tannis during her echo transmission. The campaign also features Mad Moxxi, Tiny Tina, plus a few others in a far smaller capacity. Besides established characters making an appearance, Mister Torgue is easily one of the most amusing characters in the Borderlands series.
Throughout the DLC I kept laughing at Mister Torgues’ various antics. One of my favorite missions is where he sends you to hunt down a game reviewer, because he disagreed with his score. This leads to a number of amusing lines and is some fantastic satire. This is just one example of many and you’re bound to laugh at something, be it this or perhaps him filming a commercial for radio. Either or, I hope this isn’t the last we see of Mister Torgue.
Story Pacing
Whether you believe it or not, Mister Torgues Campaign of Carnage actually has a rather lengthy story. It all starts with Mister Torgue announcing a tournament to open the newly found vault, but does a lot more in the 14-chapter adventure (Scarlett was only 9). In addition to length, the plot points seem more fleshed out and predicable due to better pacing than Scarlett. This makes the DLC feel like more of an experience, than a lazy justification for the premise.
November 23, 2012 at 8:15 AMthink your being a little harsh on the dlc the bar room brawl arena give me a reason to play this game again raid boss fight are repetitive cheap fights so I cant see more Than one of those…only thing I could say wrong with this dlc is the lack of Arenas to replay