God of War: Ascension is receiving two new editions, as revealed today, which come in the special and collector’s flavors. At the $79.99 price point, you can nab yourself one of the Collector’s Editions, which includes the following:
- An 8″ Kratos figurine
- Premium steelbook game case
- Double XP bonus for multiplayer
- DLC pass to unlock all future DLC for the game at no additional cost (more to follow on these soon)
- Official game soundtrack (digital version)
- PS3 dynamic theme and an avatar pack
The Special Edition includes all of the above, minus the Kratos figurine and the DLC pass. Pre-order either version and you’ll be given the Mythological Heroes Multiplayer Pack as a bonus, which includes Perseus, Orion, Achilles, and Odysseus.

Sony has stated that they will have more announcements on Monday, October 15th.