Far Cry 3’s detailed open world, ultimate freedom and psychotic inhabitants have everyone eagerly awaiting its December 4th release date, and rightly so. The full achievement list* for this highly-anticipated title has been released and we have provided it in its entirety below for your viewing pleasure.
*The following achievement list contains spoilers. Continue reading at your own risk.
First Blood (10)
Magic Mushroom (20)
Worst Date Ever (20)
One of Us (20)
Hands Off My Stoner (20)
Retake Wallstreet (20)
Have I Told You? (50)
Taken for Granted (50)
Higher Than a Kite (20)
Deep Cover (20)
Poker Night(50)
What a Trip (100)
Free Fall (5)
Inked Up (5)
Fully Inked (30)
Money to Burn (15)
Aftermarket Junkie (20)
Rebel With a Cause (10)
Island Liberator (40)
Unheard (20)
Full Bars (20)
Archeology 101 (20)
Dead Letters (20)
Memory to Spare (20)
Jungle Journal (20)
Bagged and Tagged (10)
Road Trip (10)
In Cold Blood (10)
Let the Trials Begin (10)
Poker Bully (20)
Hunter Hunted (10)
Poacher (20)
Artsy Craftsy (10)
Needle Exchange (15)
The Good Stuff (15)
Say Hi to the Internet (10)
Heartless Pyro (10)
Love the Boom (10)
Rock Always Wins (10)
Island Paparazzi (15)
Fearless or Stupid (15)
Never Saw it Coming (20)
Improper Use (5)
Toxophilite (10)
Here We Come (20)
Return to Sender (20)
Rocking the Boat (20)
Hide and Seek (20)
Late Night Pick-up (20)
Getting Even (20)