Sony has updated the content for the PlayStation Store for another week. Let’s see what they have in store for us.
A demo for Tranformers: Fall of Cybertron is up. As for full games, there’s Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City and Rock of Ages. The list below is for EU customers but North American gamers get The Expendables 2 video game this week too.
*Note all prices are in New Zealand dollars.
Release Update: 2nd August 2012:
PS3 Games
Payday: The Heist Wolfpack Bundle $32.90
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City $69.90
Ridge Racer Unbounded $69.90
Rock of Ages $15.50
PS3 Demos
Rock of Ages
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
PS Vita Games
Puddle $13.50
Time Soldiers $4.90
LittleBigPlanet 2
Disney Princesses Costume Pack 1 $11.50
Snow White Costume
Aurora Costume
Cinderella Costume
Jasmine Costume
Prices: $3.90
Payday: The Heist
Wolfpack DLC $15.50
Max Payne 3
Special Edition Pack $3.90 (Free for Pass holders)
Rock Band 3
Starting Over $2.90
The Arms Of Sorrow $2.90
Reson-8-R (Pts. I & II) $1.40
Until I Feel Nothing $2.90
Collide $2.90
Come Now Follow $2.90
Coming Undone $2.90
Street Fighter X Tekken
Additional Characters Pack (12 Chars) $34.90
Alisa (Swap Costume) $1.90
Blanka (Swap Costume) $1.90
Bryan (Swap Costume) $1.90
Christie (Swap Costume) $1.90
Cody (Swap Costume) $1.90
Dudley (Swap Costume) $1.90
Elena (Swap Costume) $1.90
Guy (Swap Costume) $1.90
Jack-X (Swap Costume) $1.90
Lars (Swap Costume) $1.90
Lei (Swap Costume) $1.90
Sakura (Swap Costume) $1.90
SF Char Swap Costume Complete Pack $7.90
TK Char Swap Costume Complete Pack $7.90
Char Swap Costume Complete Pack $11.50
Escape Plan
The Underground
Prices: $3.90 (prices for a limited time only)
Touch My Katamari
Athletic Mania (Free)
Disgaea 4
Disgaea 4: Raspberyl Avatar
Disgaea 4: Witch Avatar
Disgaea 4: Magician Avatar
Disgaea 4: Laharl Avatar
Disgaea 4: Archer Avatar
Prices: $0.95
The Studio Rexbox Avatar Bundle $2.30
Rexbox Avatar 1
Rexbox Avatar 2
Rexbox Avatar 3
Rexbox Avatar 4
Rexbox Avatar 5
Rexbox Avatar 6
Prices: $0.50
Magical Toadstools Theme
Old Mine Shaft Theme
Spring Petals Theme
Quantum Conundrum – $3.90
Anne-Dynamic Pirate Theme 3 $3.90
Payday: The Heist Masked Man Wallpaper
Payday: The Heist New Features Wallpaper
Payday: The Heist New Heist Wallpaper
Resident Evil 6 (Not available in DE)
Horror Trailer
Sleeping Dogs (Not available in DE)
Sleeding Dogs: Gsp Master Fighter
Sleeping Dogs: Gsp Documentary
Payday: The Heist “Wolfpack” Trailer