A while back Sony said Resistance Burning Skies would come with a preorder DLC pack. This pack would include 3 avatars, level 5 in the multiplayer and a special lock screen. However it seems the codes are only unlocking the level boost, which has left a number of buyers confused. To address this confusion, Sony has added a special help page on their official site. You can also find the full statement below.
There is currently an issue with two of the items from the Resistance: Burning Skies pre-order DLC.
3 Avatars – The 3 avatars will be available in late June. You can check the PlayStation Blog for future updates.
Vita Lock Screen Theme – The theme will not be automatically downloaded upon entry of code, but you may download it manually using the PS Vita browser by visting a web site. Instructions below:
To obtain your PS VITA start screen skins please do the following:
- Using your PS VITA web browser go to the following url
- http://us.playstation.com/BurningSkies
- Tap the “Download PS Vita Lock Screen Theme” link
- Click the thumbnail image
- In the browser window that opens, tab and hold the image
- Tap to Save Image and tap save (the image will then be saved in your photos)
- Open your photos and select the image
- Tap Options and select “use as start screen”
- The Selected skin will now be your Start Screen wallpaper
Multiplayer Booster – The Multiplayer Booster downloads and works correctly.
While this might be disappointing to many, at least Sony was nice enough to explain the situation.
June 1, 2012 at 7:55 AMI have spent days trying to figure out why I didn’t have the content. This is pretty pathetic, glad Sony is sharing the info with us though.
danny mcdaniel
July 5, 2012 at 8:46 PMIts now july, when will we receive the avatars??