Battlefieldo.com claims to have come into possession of information regarding Battlefield 3’s upcoming premium service and second DLC pack. According to the source, we can expect to see Battlefield Premium debut June 4th, which just so happens to be EA’s E3 press conference.
Battlefieldo provided the following description for the Premium service:
Battlefield™ Premium will land you a number of content drops with unique in-game items not available anywhere else. First out is the one-of-a-kind Premium knife and black dog tag, plus a set of soldier camos, weapon camos, dog tags and Assignments that will make sure you stand out and get more personalization options.
Let’s not forget about the greatly anticipated Close Quarters DLC. This add-on content has carried a release timeframe of June 2012, but thanks to Battlefieldo, we may now know the exact date. June 12th is the expected launch date of Close Quarters. However, PS3 players get the content one week early. We are unsure if the date provided is for the PS3 or for Xbox 360 and PC.
Following shortly behind Close Quarters, Armored Kill and End Game will be available in Fall and Winter, respectively.