Xbox 360 owners looking to pick up Max Payne 3 next week might want to listen up. The game will come on two discs, with the first disc housing half of the single player as well as the multiplayer portion; the second disc holds the remainder of the single player campaign. Now, for the shocker.
If you tend to install your games to your HDD for a smoother experience, then you will want to make sure you have plenty of unused room for Rockstar’s third-person shooter. Max Payne 3 will take up a total of 15.1 GB of space. Disc One weighs in at 7.7 GB and Disc Two comes in slightly under the first at 7.4 GB.
You don’t typically see an install size this huge and, when you do, the culprit is usually an RPG (ex: Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy XIII). Size isn’t everything, however. It’s all about how it’s used and next week, May 15th, we will witness Rockstar’s performance firsthand.
May 10, 2012 at 1:36 PMYeah, I’ll stick to the PS3, thank you. I was planning to get it on the 360 but battling and switching discs between ME3 and Witcher 2, I got tired of that shit.
May 12, 2012 at 6:39 PMin my experience, any multiplatform game looks better on xbox since it’s made on that first and ported over. i had to get rid of my ps3 because RDR looked so crap on it. long story short i would definitely put up with the disc changing.
May 13, 2012 at 11:39 AMI like installing the games on the hard drive anyway. With a 250gb hdd, I have plenty of room. I hate wasting time loading when that could be used for playing time. If only my PS3 would allow the same on all games. Oh well.
May 15, 2012 at 12:22 PMCan anyone tell me if I will be able to play Max Payne 3 on a Xbox that does not have a drive other than the internal 4 GB flash drive? I will be getting a 250 GB drive after a week, so I wonder if I have to wait until the drive arrives or can I play straight away with the drive?