Cole MacGrath’s voice actor, Eric Ladin, revealed some big news via Twitter regarding PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Here’s the tweet that excited Sony fans even more:
This is a great cast, Glad to be a
part of it along with
@DavidBHayter & @nolan_north
#all-stars #playstation
In case you don’t know (let’s be honest, you should know this), David Hayter is the voice actor for Solid Snake and Big Boss. Nolan North’s most notable performance comes from his role as Nathan Drake in the Uncharted series. So, there you have it. Assuming Ladin isn’t pulling our leg, Snake and Nathan Drake will be a part of All-Stars Battle Royale.
Honestly, I don’t think anyone expected Drake to skip this game. However, hearing Snake may very well be a part of the fight is exciting. Hopefully Sony will confirm Mr. Ladin’s statements soon.