In addition to having followers to aid your journey through the Sanctuary and vanquish the evil, you can seek assistance from the other-world, meaning someone on the internet. While in most co-op games there are certain restriction, like how loot is distributed.
Those who prefers playing Diablo 3 with a friend, there are some benefits that you’ll be getting, aside from the help you’re getting from one another. One of the things that everyone is asking about, is how loots are distributed. Many wonder if it’s like MMO’s where they have to roll dice or what it entails.
Here are some of the basics that you’ll need to keep in mind, while you’re playing the game online.
Things to Remember:
– In the New Tristram, you’ll see the banner of other players. If at some point you arrive in the game and your party isn’t in the camp, you can simply click on any of their banners, and it will bring you to where they are.
– If you drop an item, other people in your party can pick it up.
– Whenever a partner dies, you should try to revive them.
– the gold and loot that monsters drop will only be yours. What you get on your side might be different than what another players gets. Pretty much, what you get on your screen, is yours alone.