CD Projekt Red has posted several new job listings for two new RPGs and one of them looks to be a continuation of a very popular franchise. A sword icon is followed by the words “dark fantasy world”, which just so happens to be the exact description the developer uses when discussing The Witcher. This has led us to believe that the Witcher 3 is now in the works.
The second RPG that is looking for talented workers has us a bit more puzzled. The words “RPG in a Brand New Setting” are accompanied by a handgun icon. It would seem that CD Projekt Red is about to venture past the lands of swords and magic and head into more modern times containing firearms and bullets.
Nothing else is known regarding these RPGs other than “both are story-driven RPG games for mature players.” CD Projekt Red tends to do well when developing for mature audiences. We’ll be sure to update you as more information regarding these currently unannounced titles comes into the light.