Among the many odd choices in Skullgirls, was the idea of making every trophy/achievement a guessing game. By combining almost unrealistic amounts of effect and quick assumptions of the actual tasks, we’re left with a rather vague understanding of whats required. Due to this ,some elements like the amount are unknown or are assumed to be certain amounts. None of these amounts are included, though I can confirm everything stated here is what I did to earn the trophies.
Since Skullgirls is such a confusing list, I have kept it in it’s original order. This is so Xbox gamers won’t be confused by the additional 4 trophies on the PS3, which can be found at the very bottom.
Finally, I tried to explain what the task is or what I believe is being asked of you. This might be confusing to some people, as not a ton is explained in game. Due to this short coming, I have included a video showcasing what is required of you. These videos are great if you’re having problems grasping the task or want to make sure you’re doing it right.
How to Read This Guide
This guide uses common fighting game short hand, which you might not understand. It is fairly simple as a P means Punch and K means Kick, where as L, M, and H stand for Light, Medium and Hard. So if you see something say LP, then it’s obviously Light Punch.
Directions are a little bit more tricky. I prefer using the numbered D-Pad style, which means each of the 9 directions are assigned a number. 1 would be bottom left and 9 is top right. The full list looks something like below.
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
Since this still might not work for everyone, I also included terms like Forward and Back Quarter turns. These will all have the numbers next to them (which relate to above), but are also very simple to use. Forward Quarter turn just means you do 236 or go from down to forward. The opposite is used for Back Quarter turn. If you’re still having problems, most of these are for special attacks, which can be found with arrows in the guide book.
Best Place to Do These Tasks
Almost every task should be performed in Sparring mode. This is basically training, but it doesn’t disable your trophy/achievements. To use this mode, start up a VS game on Local and push start. You will see it turned off and you simply need to enable it. Turning it on will give you unlimited special or just 5 bars if you disable it, plus revive everyone.
Also don’t stress out about doing these tasks too much. Everything, but World Warrior is cumulative.