The latest issue of Play has revealed an interesting bit of information regarding Metal Gear Solid: Revengeance. Do you remember the E3 2010 trailer for Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengeance (originally titled Metal Gear Solid: Rising)? In case you have forgotten, you can check out the trailer here.
Starting at the 1:40 mark, human soldiers start getting sliced and diced in various ways. Human enemies are no longer a part of the game, as revealed by Play. Instead, they have been replaced by cyborgs, much like the one from the beginning of the 2010 trailer I assume.
Why was this changed? According to the article, PlatinumGames wanted to avoid issues with censorship in Japan. So, it looks like players will be cutting through biotic anatomy while spilling white blood, if the old E3 trailer contains the type of cyborg we will be seeing.
E3 2012 is set to have a playable demo of Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengeance, so it won’t be too long before we can bring you that information.