Resistance: Burning Skies’ official page may have divulged multiplayer info early on accident. The page didn’t give away too much, but the first details surrounding the portable Resistance’s multiplayer could be found.
The official Resistance Vita page was quickly changed and the information is no longer available, but we snagged the original statement before it went down for you to read here. The page states that the game contains a “competitive 8-player online multiplayer across 6 unique maps and 3 modes”. Also, a match can be started with as little as two players, if you’re feeling up for some one-on-one action. Furthermore, every online mode can only be played using wifi. At this time, we don’t know if Burning Skies will have any 3G-specific features.
If the game’s page was updated prematurely, then I’d say we can safely assume that means some form of announcement or reveal isn’t too far off. Resistance: Burning Skies will hit store shelves May 29th.