The 1999 cult-classic action movie The Boondock Saints is currently undergoing the process of becoming a video game. Critical Mass Interactive and the cast from the Boondock Saints films will be hosting a panel at SXSW next month.
Talk of this game’s existence has made its way out before. Just last year at SXSW Troy Duffy, writer and Director of The Boondock Saints, stated that he had “heard a pitch and even played a early part” of a Boondock Saints game.
A trip to Critical Mass’ website shows the upcoming game at the top of the page. So it’s likely that this is the game that Troy saw one year ago.
There are two notable pieces of information available on the developer’s website. By looking under “Latest Headlines” and clicking “Road to E3”, a picture of the game’s title will appear along with the following caption:
“Critical Mass Interactive (CMI) just awarded interactive development rights to the popular franchise, The Boondock Saints, by Creator/Director Troy Duffy, with an established Facebook fan base of over 4 million and growing!”
Here’s what can be taken from the above information. First, the fact that this can be found from a link titled “Road to E3” I believe we can safely assume that the game will be present at the Electronic Entertainment Expo this June. Now, on to the troubling part. The caption states the number of Facebook fans for the movie. While this may simply be them showing off the film’s popularity, it has made some people wonder if this is nothing more than an internet-based game.
Let’s hope that last one isn’t the case. SXSW 2012 starts March 9th and ends on the 18th. We’ll have more information when the event begins.