We’ll leave conveniently unsaid exactly who’s to blame for the upcoming release date’s announcement’s possibility being an announcement, but that said, we still have exciting news on Diablo III!
It will be getting a release date “in the near future”.
Entitled “A Message From Jay Wilson”, he speaks on the process of building the game and muses on the joys and harshness of creating a game like Diablo III to perfection in a rather endearing, admittedly kind of heart-felt way, until he finally says this…
“We think you’re going to love Diablo III when it’s released, and speaking of release plans, you can seriously expect a launch-date announcement from us in the near future. See, I didn’t say “soon,” so I’m not taunting you. ;) You’ll know as soon as I know for sure the exact date.”
So keep your eyes peeled for Diablo III’s elusive release date. It’s probably coming.