Ninja Theory is full of amazing people with great talent. The developer thought brought us Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, and the up and coming DMC (Devil May Cry).
But today, an announcement was made that Marc Fascia, the gameplay programmer of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West has been hired by Splash Damage, has been hired to act as the team’s technical director for the upcoming studio’s projects. Fascia isn’t the only talent that Splash Damage has attracted as of late. Last week the studio also hired on former FIFA director Griff Jenkins, as the new director of production.
In regards to hiring Fascia, the studio had very positive comments.
“We’re hugely impressed by Marc’s combination of insane technical ability and project management skills. In particular its Marc’s obsession with fun gameplay and his personable nature that makes him the perfect person to lead our army of awesome programmers.
I’m really happy to be trusted with this incredible responsibility at Splash Damage. We’re working on some great things, and managing such a big and talented programming team, across multiple varied and challenging projects, is a wonderful opportunity. I love multiplayer and Splash Damage suits my passion perfectly.”