When you reach Soltitude, there’s an Argonian somewhere on the streets that will give you a sidequest, Lights Out.
Sidequest: Lights Out
Simply go to Soltitude and seek for the Argonian.
– Seek out Jaree-ra in the streets of Soltitude.
– Since Jaree-ra is the only Argonian in Soltitude, he shouldn’t be hard to miss. Make sure that you search for him in the day.
– Speak to Jaree-Ra and he’ll give you a shady quest that involves you turning the fire off the Lighthouse. Why? It’s because you’ll help steal some treasure!
– The lighthouse that Jaree-Ra wants you to go to is the Soltitude Lighthouse, which is located on the northern side of the hold.
– Make your way to the lighthouse.
– Once you in the lighthouse, make sure that you sneak your way up, otherwise you’ll wake up the keeper inside.
– You won’t need any special equipment to turn off the fire on the beacon of the lighthouse.
– Go back to Jaree-Ra in the East Empire Company Warehouse, which is just right outside of Soltitude by the docks.
– Talk to him and he’ll ask you to join his sister in the Icerunner Ship.
– Look for the marker on the map to go to the Icerunner Ship.
– As soon as you spotted the ship, you’ll see the members of Jaree-Ra’s Blackblood Marauder.
– One of the members will ask you to go inside the ship and talk to Deeja.
– Since your purpose in meeting Deeja is to get the reward for doing Jaree-Ra’s work, she’ll attack you after talking to her!
– Once she’s dead, loot her body and take the note.
– You’ll then find out that the Icerunner loot has been move to the Broke Ore Grotto.
– Now that you’ve found out Jaree-Ra betrayed you, time for payback in the Grotto.
– The Broken Oar Grotto is located, north of the Soltitude Lighthouse.
– Enter the cave and prepare to Jaree-Ra’s men.
– There are a decent amount of Blackblood Marauders here.
– Make sure you’re prepared.
– Once everyone is dead, look for the Icerunner Chest. Loot it and that’s your reward.