An MMORPG is a strangely fragile thing, and fragile things are often broken when placed into the knobby, greasy hands of players. Apparently there’s another big issue with SW: The Old Republic and it isn’t a glitch or a hacking attempt.
One user writes this about the end-game planets. “High level planets have max 6 players, no one is doing world pvp in Illum. People don’t talk in chat, and i takes around 3 hours to find a group to flashpoints. What is this, a single player game that i need to pay monthly fee for? No thanks. Now that i’m 50 and i’ve finished the story i guess… that was it.”
Old Republic is still a new game and in hindsight, we should have realized how quickly some people would reach the end game nigh-immediately. However, this is the small minority. So try not to rush through The Old Republic, or, at least not yet. George Zoeller, the Principal Lead Combat Designer had this to say.
“The overwhelming majority of players are int he sub level 30 range of the game at this point, taking their time”.
Straight from the horse’s mouth. Relax. Go outside for a minute. Catch up with friends. Put your feet back. Let The Old Republic sink in. BioWare created something great here, take the time to enjoy it.
james peckham
December 30, 2011 at 3:43 PMRegarding Chats/Grouping: most people are in guilds or on a ventrilo server. My advice… JOIN one.
Regarding the PVP areas: Most people are doing scenarios. Do those if you want to pvp.
Regarding the storyline and content… There is a massive amount of content but it is SO in depth and scripted… that YES it’s the highest caliber of ‘single player’ content ever created for an MMO… so once you burn through that… then it’s time to farm up items for your companions, do crafting, make money, make twink chars, catch up with friends who are lower level, say hi to your wife, etc.