Though this may not be entirely unbiased news (Bastion is my favorite game, simply put, of all time) but it sure is exciting regardless.
So let’s be straight here, not a lot of people are expecting the Chrome Webstore to become the next big gaming platform, but it’s already impressed by allowing a very very long trial of Supergiant’s debut game, Bastion, to be played right on the Chrome Browser.
To finish the story, players will be prompted to pay $14.99, but it’s a small price to pay for their hand drawn maiden masterwork.
Having seen the ending, there’s not a video game climax more worth your time.
What do YOU think will be the outcome of the Chrome Webstore?
December 9, 2011 at 10:41 AMIf you liked Bastion and have an Xbox 360 you should check out Arkadian Warriors.
Basically…Bastion is AW 2.0.