After the attack on Jorrvaskr, Vilkas wants immediate retribution for the losses the Companions have experienced. Head over to the Silver Hand stronghold that has been marked on your map. Driftshade Refuge, located South East of Dawnstar, is on high alert, and combat begins as soon as you arrive. Like the quests before this, you only need to kill the leader here to complete the quest, but where is the fun in that? Kill everyone you see outside before venturing inward.
Once inside, scour every inch of the place killing everyone in sight, once you hit the door to the Driftshade Cellar, turn around and keep scouring until you reach the other door to the Driftshade Cellar. After reaching the second entrance, enter and kill everyone inside, and work your way to the next door that leads back to the Driftshade Refuge. Watch out for the pressure plate trap that activates a swinging spike wall in the wine cellar area with the caged werewolf. There is a pullbar that activates the wall allowing you to get the chest located behind it here as well.
Once everyone inside Driftshade Cellar is dead this should complete the optional objective “Wipe Out the Silver Hand” and by now you should have already picked up the fragments of Wuuthrad. If you haven’t, return to Driftshade Refuge and pull up your map; the fragments can be found in the large room just South of the NorthEast entrance to Driftshade Cellar. The fragments are on a dining table along the Eastern side of this room.
With shards in hand and the Silver Hand eliminated, return to Jorrvaskr where Vilkas will speak with you and complete the quest. Glory of the Dead will begin immediately.