I’m sure a majority of you (myself included) have been enjoying the insanity that has been placed on every street corner in Steelport. Whether you’ve been slapping pedestrians with sex toys or base jumping off buildings, THQ has been keeping track of how you play the game.
THQ has put together a short list of random Saints Row: The Third statistics. Take a look at what people have been doing:
“- 2 million people have been bludgeoned to death by the purple Penetrator
– 5.8 billion citizens of Steelport have met their demise at the hands of gamers around the globe (19 times the population of the United States, roughly 85 percent of the population of the world)
– Players have spent a cumulative two years in their birthday suits streaking the streets of Steelport
– 44 million pimps, gimps and prostitutes have been dispatched in Whored Mode (roughly twice the population of Texas)
– 650 hot dog mascots have been overcooked to death by players using a flamethrower”
That’s not all. THQ is providing players with new community tracking features, which can be found at SaintsRow.com. There you can check at other statistics separated into unique categories. Furthermore, you can check your own progress in real-time.
Well, that’s about enough time reading about these Saints stats. Go make and track your own!