James Sunderland is the voice of Silent Hill at its greatest, in a way.
A tragic figure, absolutely prime for the taking in a horrific nightmare world with too many inner demons to count (Or, if you’d like to argue it, one very very large inner demon that’s eight stories tall) and fighting for his life in a hellscape that seems to egg his insecure little self on at every turn. The voice of the desperation and absolute soul-churning horror that is Silent Hill.
Well now apparently he’s two voices of Silent Hill.
With the new voice work by new voice actors in the upcoming Silent Hill HD Collection, it’s been revealed
that both will be available to play from the get-go.
So if you’re nervous about the voice acting at all in the Silent Hill, new or old, don’t hesitate to pick up Silent Hill HD Collection.
Or for that matter, when you’re in Silent Hill, don’t hesitate.
Seriously, don’t ever hesitate, not for a second.
November 24, 2011 at 2:23 PMYes! what a great news!