Battlefield 3’s release date is nearing fast and although we’ve been given copious amounts of information regarding numerous aspects of the game, there is one area of the game that we’re still mostly in the dark about — the Recon class.
Here’s what we know so far about Battlefield 3’s classes:
The Assault class has the ability to use a grenade launcher as well as taking over Support’s old role as Medic by using the defibrillators. Making sure to complete the exchange of duties, the Support class has access to the ammo kit, which makes sense given that I’m sure this class will need a constant supply of ammunition to continue suppressing enemies (another new mechanic). In addition, they’ll also have access to a bipod for their LMG to aid in accurate shooting. Due to their heavy weapon handling skills, it is also said that this class may wield assault rifles with several attachments such as the flashlight. Engineers have seen the least variation since they have retained their usual equipment which includes the following: RPG-7/AT4, tank mines, and the repair tool.
Now let’s focus on the mysterious Recon class. Let’s start with what has been revealed so far. Recon will have access to C4 once again. This compact explosive has proved useful in setting up intricate traps, bringing down structures, and taking out armored vehicles. Binoculars are expected to make a return (in some form) as well allowing snipers the ability to call in artillery on their enemies. Finally, the Recon class will be sharing a piece of equipment with the Support class. You may be thinking, “But snipers are precise one-shot-one-kill soldiers while LMG experts pepper their targets in fully automatic fire.” The answer should be obvious, however. Snipers can outfit their weapon with a bipod. This is a great addition that is sure to compliment the prone stance as well as eliminating the return of scope sway (don’t forget about the scope glint though!).

DICE has gone on the record as saying that the Recon class will be more of a “team player” this time around. How exactly are they going to go about achieving a more integrated sniper role? Well, I’ve put together a short list of possible uses the class can bring to the table. I’ll begin with the more obvious uses of a sniper’s talents.
1. Claymores: Claymore would be a useful tool for any sniper. Just to cover my bases, the inclusion of claymores AND C4 isn’t redundant. C4 have several uses as stated above, but they tend to be used offensively since they are usually placed on occupied buildings or vehicles. Claymores are more of a defensive weapon since they can be set up to protect yourself. If someone is sneaking up behind a sniper, chances are the unaware shooter won’t know that they need to set off their C4 to kill the approaching enemy. Claymores provide that added protection since they’ll be watching your back for you (in a way). Also, in terms of team play, claymores would be useful in protecting bases in Rush mode by setting them up in doorways and other major access points. In a game revolving around tactics and strategy, giving players the option between an offensive and defensive explosive is a good idea.
**This may have been confirmed through data files located in the Alpha build**
2. Spotting Scope: I know this isn’t anything new for this class, but its return hasn’t been confirmed or denied yet. A spotting scope is definitely a useful gadget for the entire team. Marking targets (without spamming your Select button) is advantageous to the team as they can follow and eliminate the enemies leaving the sniper’s effective kill area or ones that the sniper has unfortunately missed after taking a shot. Recent Alpha build information has revealed a weapon attachment that may very well take on this role, but I’ll get to that later.
3. Laser-Designated Strike: With Battlefield 3 seeing the return of jets, this gadget could help tie the new aircraft into team-based gameplay fairly easily. Picture using the binoculars to designate a target for a friendly in a jet. Then, when they fly by, they can drop down some explosive ordinance with precision. Without a designated target, jet users will be left to estimate the impact point of their explosives and this would leave them as somewhat lone wolves. By adding a laser-designator to the Recon class, DICE would be tying the jets directly into the team.

You may still be wondering about that side note I left on the Claymores section. Let’s address that now along with other rumors that have made their way out through Alpha testing.
Recent internet buzz has revealed some interesting information regarding further class alterations. If people who claim to be “in-the-know” are to be believed, then the Recon class may not be getting the C4 after all. Instead, it is said that C4 will be the Support’s responsibility and Recon will be left with Claymores to defend themselves. To some, and myself, this seems more fitting for each role.
Concerning the Spotting Scope, a weapon attachment has popped up in the Alpha build files labeled “Target Pointer.” Immediately, I was hoping that this would be a range finder. That would bring more depth to Recon as they looked at the target distance in meters and raised the scope to the appropriate notch on their crosshairs. Unfortunately, that seems unlikely and this attachment is most likely to be used in a similar fashion to Bad Company 2’s Spotting Scope.
The files also reveal Recon’s gadget named “Radio Beacon.” With binoculars no where in sight in the files, a radio beacon could be the replacement for the binoculars packing the artillery strike. Instead, recent forum chatter seems to state that the radio beacon will call in a mortar strike.
Lastly, a tripod is said to be another add-on for snipers to provide more stability and precision than the aforementioned bipod. While I agree that variety is the spice of life, I do not believe this would be too meaningful of an addition. Simply putting in a bipod is a smart move. I don’t think Recon should have to worry about upgrading to reduce sway and recoil. The class should instead be given a more meaningful gadget instead of the 2.0 version of an existing one.

That’s all we know (or think we know) for now regarding Battlefield 3’s Recon class. With the next beta well on its way, it seems we will be hearing more about this class and, hopefully, get to try sniping out ourselves in the coming month.
August 10, 2011 at 4:02 AMSweeeeeeet
Patrick 2
August 10, 2011 at 6:12 PMI like the sound of a target designator being tied to jets. I would like to spotting and also the use of tracers darts be more widely used.
August 10, 2011 at 10:26 PMClaymores will be for the Support role. How do I know this? Because I have almost unlocked them in the Alpha trial while it was still operationtional before August 1st. Since it was alpha, the Recon class only had the main weapon (scopes were optional), side arm, and the specialization. Is this subject to change? It might, we dont know yet. But for now, im just going with what I saw.
August 11, 2011 at 1:32 PMNever played Battlefield before, but the Assault class seems pretty cool. I guess I can say I’m coming over from the dark side of CoD to Battlefield lol.