Recent rumors have blown up around the internet regarding a possible new mode in the upcoming FPS, Battlefield 3.
What could it possibly be you ask? Well, if the title of this article is any indication, it has to do with dinosaurs. It is rumored that we may very well see Dinosaur Mode in Battlefield 3. Then again, this could be someone having fun with all of us hyped gamers by toying with our minds. Before I let you draw your own conclusion, let’s take a look at some evidence.
Earlier this year, a person claiming (as they all do) to be employed with Activision started a thread on 4chan. His goal was to get everyone’s feedback on Modern Warfare 3. In typical 4chan fashion, everyone started going off on the lack of dinosaurs within the game. How is this at all related? Later down the road, DICE showed off a trailer for Battlefield 3 and this image (look down) was present.

That part of the trailer was directly referenced on Gustav Halling’s Twitter. From the sounds of it, he was referencing the MW3 dinosaur thread.
Now, this picture has hit the internet and while it doesn’t have any official announcements (or Tweets) backing it that hasn’t stopped gamers from running wild with ideas if it turns out to be legitimate. Take a look.

The picture is far from real proof since someone could have had fun editing an existing image, but, for one second, let’s believe it’s real. If so, this could crush Call of Duty’s zombie and upcoming survival modes. Who doesn’t want to call an airstrike on a massive T-Rex? Or knife a sprinting velociraptor? Or possibly strap C4 to a charging triceratops? I may be getting a little carried away.
This all seems very hard to believe mainly due to the lack of credibility behind the photo and the fact that the game has been going for extreme realism. However, Dinosaur Mode would be a great change of pace for the game and would definitely keep everyone (or at least myself) coming back time and time again to battle these long-extinct creatures with modern day weaponry.
Do you want this mode to become a reality? Let us know your thoughts on this absurd rumor in the comment section below.
August 27, 2011 at 9:42 PMOh my god, if this is actually real (which is highly unlikely) that would be the single coolest thing in any video game since the dawn of time.
August 27, 2011 at 11:18 PMIf you go to the Battlefield 3 youtube channel you can see the picture above in the Caspian Border video… Here’s the exact time (pause when it loads):
August 27, 2011 at 11:27 PMthe green cargo crate says TREX on it, but in the actual video, it says RTEX
August 28, 2011 at 3:07 PMi would love to have a dlc map pack with dinos in it! omg that would be awsome!!!
August 29, 2011 at 12:53 PMYeah…I would definitely play that!
Chris in DC
August 29, 2011 at 3:03 PMlol clearly fake, but it would be awesome.
August 30, 2011 at 1:12 AMfake:
Chris M.
September 12, 2011 at 9:43 PMImagine Dice joking on us once again, and actually HAVING a dinosaur mode. I’d love Dice even more for that.
September 29, 2011 at 12:06 PMThis would be the coolest of cool ever made in a game if one they do it and two they pull it off. Either way they should give it a shot. I would forever be a battlefield 3 fan if they tried. They have hardly much to lose.
October 2, 2011 at 6:13 AM“Yeah”,Dino Mode would be Awesome!!!
October 2, 2011 at 4:38 PMI am pretty sure the pic is fake but I still have hopes for the mode. But what im thinking is, even if it is not currently in the game, they will see all of the hype about it and work to get it in later.
October 4, 2011 at 8:55 PMThat would be seriously amazing if a “Dinosaur mode” was created , I mean imagine playing co-op or online with your firends against dinosaurs , if its not shooting them with rps its using vehicles to to take them down or sniper rifles assaults rifles etc
October 21, 2011 at 3:43 AMwe all no that its not real but i think it would be pretty cool to play against dinosaurs with the guns,rpgs,tanks an so forth. not only would it be awsome but it would most definitely blow cods zombie mode out of the water… soo lets hope they can make this happen.. give us this for BF3 as some dlc! please! Big_hoss420 PSN
Sergio Wolfe
October 22, 2011 at 3:14 PMVote for what you want!
November 12, 2011 at 9:17 AMI emailed EA asking very nicely wether or not its real and a guy got back to me saying it is. Im not sure if it was his idea of a joke but hey, glass half full :)
Preston Reepl
November 23, 2011 at 2:00 AMThat would definatly be the coolest thing i’ve ever seen a game do, and if they do it well…. BF3 is already the greatest game in all the lands, but it would be even better with DINO MODE
Gabriel Sanchez
December 1, 2011 at 2:17 AMIf they put Dino mode in b.f.3, I’ll buy the game guaranteed.