To commemorate the upcoming gamer holiday known as E3, the three attendees here at JustPushStart would like to share with our gaming brethren the top five exclusives that we are looking forward to on our respective consoles.
So without further delay, I will share with you my top five picks for Sony’s Playstation 3.
1. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
Hands down my top favorite Sony exclusive at E3 2011 has to be Uncharted. It is one of my favorite franchises on the PS3 and is a favorite of my girlfriend’s as well. It would be nice to see if they finally show a trailer revealing who the love interest for this installment will be (Elena I hope).
Seeing the new and improved multiplayer via the trailer that was released also got me pretty pumped for the game. It will be interesting to see what direction they take with that as well. With all the new options for customization and the emphasis on more dynamic maps, it is already looking to have a pretty solid multiplayer component.
2. Resistance 3
With a new protagonist and a restyled multiplayer, Resistance 3 made a close second to Uncharted. New weapons, a new adventure, and tons of new aliens to be blasted is a good enough reason for any Resistance fan to hop aboard and help bring this third installment to what is sure to be a satisfying close in the series. It will be interesting to see what Insomniac releases during E3.
3. Twisted Metal
When I first saw Twisted Metal coming to the next-gen consoles, I didn’t know what to think about it. But my doubts were fully thrown aside when the first gameplay trailer was released and I saw it in all it’s glory. Riding around as one of the multiple factions minions and causing mayhem while destroying other players? Sounds like a solid game plan to me that can provide with hours of mind numbing carnage and entertainment. Not to mention firing patient-loaded gurneys out of the back of an ambulance. I look forward to seeing what the devs will show off next in a couple of weeks.
4. The Last Guardian
Team ICO is well known for making games that bring the player a gripping story. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus both gave the player solid gameplay and a great story to go with it. The Last Guardian looks to do the same and follow up with a gripping story about a boy and his quest to protect his big griffin-like friend. Whatever will be shown in the coming weeks will definitely be a welcome surprise for me.
5. No More Heroes: Heroe’s Paradise
I know technically this is not an exclusive seeing that it was out on the Wii first, but the new edition exclusive to the PS3 looks to add in new features and content as well as move support for those of you who are like me and like swinging a wand around pretending its a sword. I have always wanted to play a game in this series but never had a chance since I only own a Playstation 3. Hopefully there will be a move demo on the show floor…
Look forward to coverage and interviews for these games and more as the JPS staff heads to Los Angeles for E3 2011 (AKA Gamer’s Heaven).
May 28, 2011 at 12:12 PMHere’s hoping they do some massive work on No More Heroes. Owning the import, the game had ALOT of bugs that usually follow ports over (framerates, texture load-in, etc)
I’m still curious (since NOBODY has confirmed it), is if the US will be getting the newest JP release (as in, the one coming out this year). Or if we’re just getting a translated version of the ooold original JP release (which was already in english, it just needed subs)