Before you can claim the title of Pokemon Master in the Unova Region, you must first defeat the Elite Four and the Pokemon Champion.
The Elite Four of the Unova Region are no push overs. Their team of Pokemon are actually more balanced and uses different types of Pokemon. Make sure that you’re well equipped with Potions and other items that will aid you in this battle. Remember that once you enter the room where the first Elite Four is, the battle will be continuous. No Pokemon Center is here to heal you!
Below is the little strategy guide on how to beat the Elite Four of the Unova Region.

Shauntal’s team of Pokemon uses mainly Ghost-type Pokemon. When it comes to a Ghost-type Pokemon, they’re basically weak to both Ghost and Dark-type attacks. If you have a Ghost type TM, teach it to a Normal type Pokemon.
Pokemon Used: Cofagrigus, Jellicent, Froslass, Golurk, Drifblim (Lv 71), Chandelure (Lv 73)

Grimsley’s Pokemon are all Dark-type Pokemon. To all of his Pokemon except for Drapion, using a Fighting-type moves will be very advantageous in this battle. For Drapion, use a Ground type attack.
Pokemon Used: Sharpedo, Krookodile, Scafty, Liepard, Drapion (Lv 71), Bisharp (Lv 73)

Majority of Caitlin’s Pokemon are Psychic type while Metagross and Bronzong are mixed with Steel type. For both of these Pokemon, using fire or ground-type attacks will be very effective. As for the rest of the psychic Pokemon, using a Bug, Dark or Ghost type attacks will take them down very easily.
Pokemon Used: Musharna, Sigilyph, Bronzong, Reuniculus, Gothitelle (Lv 71), Metagross (Lv 73)

The last Elite Four that you will be facing likes to use Pokemon with fighting type attacks. To easily taking down this last Elite Four, using Flying and Psychic move attacks will be the choice you will have.
Pokemon Used: Breloom, Throh, Toxicroak, Meinshao, Sawk (Lv 71), Sawk (Lv 73)

With the Elite Four now defeated, you only have trainer to defeat and that is the Pokemon Champion, Alder. When it comes to Alder’s Pokemon, his team is pretty much well mixed. The type of attacks that your Pokemon should carry are the following; flying, fire, rock, ground, and dragon type.
Pokemon Used: Accelgor, Bouffaiant, Escavalier, Druddigon, Vanilluxe, (Lv 75), Volcarona (Lv 77)
March 13, 2011 at 10:36 AMlol
I beat the elite four and the champion without any guides. i had a level 60 samurott, and i just used surf all the time and i killed all of them
Elite 4: Aaron
March 14, 2011 at 10:23 PMIts tradition for me to fight the Elite 4 around lv. 50 and above, any Pokémon level below lv. 50 are all whimps and shouldn’t be brought into the Elite 4.
Use your own strategy when battling the elite, that’s what I say.
April 1, 2011 at 7:06 PMI have a gyarados thats only a level 40,and it could kick ur butt!
April 3, 2011 at 7:13 PMBeat the Elite four last month or so and only used Shiny Entei and Shiny Raikou and beated them and they were untouched
April 4, 2011 at 2:12 PMI can not beat the elite four and i have Unfezant Lv.79 Volcarona Lv.75 Zekrom Lv.57 Serperior Lv.57.Absol Lv.58 Tirtouga Lv.25
April 9, 2011 at 8:16 PMI can’t beat elite four. I have a Lv. 64 Emboar, a Lv. 29 Simisage, a Lv. 22 Ducklett, a Lv. 21 Herdier, a Lv. 11 Basculin and a Lv. 27 Zebstrika. Can’t defeat elite four with the Pokemon I have…….Crap. Shit
April 10, 2011 at 7:19 PMWould this be able to beat the elite four the second time:
Kyurem (75)
Frozen World
Shadow Claw
Dragon Pulse
Emboar (71)
Blast Burn
Arm Thrust
Flare Blitz
Haxorus (70)
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Zekrom (64)
Cross Thunder
Zen Headbutt
Dragon Claw
Volcaron (70)
Silver Wind
Butterfly Dance
Heat Wave
Bug Buzz
Braviary (70)
Free Fall
Brave Bird
Please tell me what I would need if this does not work.
April 10, 2011 at 8:15 PMwell, one tip, is to have a level of 35 or up when you battle
April 18, 2011 at 8:59 PMwell i use only emboar and the others are low levels so if emboar is dead i’ll just use a revive and if the poke can survive i also use full restore =D
April 22, 2011 at 3:01 PMMy friend told that all my pokemon should be on level 60 to beat the elite 4 but I beaten the elite 4 with my Pokemon on levl 56
May 20, 2011 at 8:58 PMim a person and i cant beat the four crackheads dont ask me for help but how do i use samourott,sawk,unfezant,simisear,cobalion,zebstrika to beat the secret ninja crackheads (aka, elite four….TEEHEE)
May 24, 2011 at 11:19 PMHi I defeated the elite four like 6 times now… and Beat Alder 6 times also… uhhh wast there like 7 wizards thingy or something?? or is my game done?
pkmn ranger/ace trainer
June 14, 2011 at 8:16 AMI have a perfect strategy to beat dark, physic, and ghost type elite 4 with no hits.
use Absol or any pokemon that knows night slash/sucker punch.
But which pokemon rocks against sand/rock pokemon (Krookadile preferably).
pkmn ranger/ace trainer
June 14, 2011 at 8:17 AMOH AND HOWARD YES YOU WON (now you reset if wanted)
Trainer Wyatt
June 19, 2011 at 12:21 AMhi my pokemon team is this
Samurotte lv 46
Cobalion lv 44
Terrakion lv 42
Virizion lv 44
Fraxure lv 45
Heatmore lv42
can i beat the elite 4
September 30, 2011 at 1:02 PMim still training my pokemons. I have a level 59 virizion, a level 60 tekkerion i dont know how to spell it to lazy to check, level 63 zekrom, level76 kyrem,level 71 volcarona, and the coblion thing
October 29, 2011 at 4:11 AMthis is the best team to beat the elite four(first time):
Reuinuiclus/Gothitelle(i think thats what its called)
(all pokemon 50 or higher)
March 30, 2012 at 3:12 PMSerperior lv50
Seismtoad lv50
Archeops lv50
Darmanitan lv50
Eelektross lv50
Hoxorus lv51
March 31, 2012 at 5:39 PMI beat the elite 4 the first time around only using 3 pokemon:
I used a lvl 47 Sawk for Grimsley (dark is weak to fighting) I also had a lvl 45 Emboar which knew Arm Thrust for back up (just in case).
I used a lvl 44 Sigilyph for Marshall (fighting is weak to flying/psychic) I also had a lvl 40 Unfezant for back up (just in case).
I used a lvl 47 Krookodile for Shauntal and Caitlin (psychic and ghost are weak to dark) I also had a lvl 43 Druddigon which knew Night Slash and Crunch for back up (just in case).
My team were all in the lvl 40-50 range, but levelled up as I went along, the Ellite 4 in 5th Gen is one of the easiest to fight.
Hope this helped ^.^
April 14, 2012 at 3:05 PMThe elite 4 ( first time ) is easy (ish) if u have zekrom/reshiram, a fight Pokemon, a psychic Pokemon, ur starter, and a dark Pokemon if u have a scrafty use that and a ghost Pokemon instead of a dark pokemon and fight pokemon. All level 52+.
If ur Pokemon arnt that level, train a lot on audinos
If they r ev trained well (look it up online) u should blast through easy
alternitivly ( although this is cheating ) if u hav 2 ds and another Pokemon white or black trade a team for each member of the elite 4 to the other ds then when u get to the member use infa red to trade the team over u can also use this to heal ur team 4 free between each batle. This works second time and 3rd and 4th and 5th … Ect
June 28, 2012 at 2:29 AMHi, I’ve battled the Elite Four for like, what, 6 times now and lost all of em’. So what I have is a Lvl 48 Gothitelle, Lvl. 48 Samurott, Lvl. 49 Conkeldurr, Lvl. 47 Zebstrika, Lvl. 49 Kangaskhan, and a Lvl. 64 Kingler. I know I have two water types, but Samurott is my starter Pokemon and had great attacks that I can use in battles. Kingler I only have for his high level. He helps me with one hit kills. C: I can replace him with Scyther Lvl. 56. Scyther or Kingler? :C please, I need help!! And where can I train my Pokemon? ._.
July 8, 2012 at 7:27 PMActually, I beat Marshall with my stater and Sigilyth. First, have Sigilyth above level 40, and your stater above level fifty. Save before you battle too. Have Sigilyth learn fly, and use the move until you are about to be knocked out. If you have 10 hp left, switch to your starter and use any move. Repeat until all of his Pokemon are knocked out.
July 8, 2012 at 7:30 PMAlso, past Iccaruss city you can train in the grass.
November 3, 2012 at 4:09 PMget a kyrem lv 83 a valcrona lv 73 a darmanatan lv 77 a simypour lv 77 a romtom lv 65 finally a ditto lv 69
December 21, 2012 at 1:50 AMmarshal is boss, conkeldurr spams hammer arm, sawk has sturdy, other then that, i can take them out with only tornadus
alex bivins
January 28, 2013 at 5:50 PMhey this my team
Emboar : 70
Mandibuzz Level : 37
Lucario level :40
Ampharos level : 50
Sunkern level : 45
Mantyke level :36
alex bivins
January 28, 2013 at 5:51 PMfrom black version 2
March 13, 2013 at 5:55 PMI used a shelmet at level 31 and other 5 pokemon at level 45 and I defeated the elite four and champion with one hit from my pokemon for each pokemon I had to fight and I defeated them all in 5 to 6 min it was easy dont ask me how I did it I was lucky I guess and the pokemon was at 71 and over I challenged
November 16, 2013 at 2:06 PMcant beat it I hav a
serperior lv61
heatmor lv43
scolipede lv44
musharna lv46
beartic lv40
panpour lv44