The multiplayer portion of Killzone 3 isn’t just an ordinary online shooter that we’ve all come accustomed to as it has a ranking system, points to use to upgrade your abilities, new modes, and more.
Everyone starts off as a noob in Killzone 3. The weapons and the armor that these noobs will start off with is weak, but as the player continues to level up and gain more points to unlock weapons, these noobs can very well become a grand master of Killzone 3.
To celebrate the release of Killzone 3, we would like to present to you our multiplayer guide. In our guide, players will be able to learn what points unlocks what and the classes that everyone can unlock. If you have any questions or concerns, drop us an email and we’ll try our best to get back to you.

– Guerrilla Warfare
The objective of Guerrilla Warfare is simple. Kill the enemy of the opposing forces. Whoever has the most body count wins the match.
Available Maps: Pyrrhus Crater, Bilgarsk Boulevard, Frozen Dam, Akmir Snowdrift, & Kaznan Jungle
– Warzone
Modes on Warzone varies from Capture the Flag, Search and Destroy, and more. Up to 24 players can play in this mode. Get ready for a long Warzone as each game contains up to seven modes all at the same time in a big map.
Available Maps: Corinth Highway, Pyrrhus Crater, Bilgarsk Boulevard, Frozen Dam, Akmir Snowdrift, & Mawlr Graveyard
– Operations
You play on one side and perform different task; mostly Search & Destroy in this Operations mode. Playing this mode will have a mini side story.
Available Maps: Frozen Dam, Akmir Snowdrift, and Mawlr Graveyard
Engineer Class
[Primary Ability]
Repair Tool (0) – Repair damaged or destroyed ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, automated turrets. Also repair Exoskeletons before they are completely destroyed. Press and hold < button to activate.
Repair Tool+ (2) – Increases repair speed, allowing the Engineer to build turrets faster and repair objects more quickly.
Repair Tool++ (3) – ncreases repair speed even further. In addition, the Engineer can now hack enemy placed turrets, transferring ownership. Stacks with previous abilities.
[Secondary Ability]
Sentry Turret (1) – Deploy a machine gun turret that will automatically target and fire at enemies in range. Press and hold > button to activate.
Sentry Turret+ (2) – Turret’s firing rate is increased and can be deployed twice as fast as before.
Sentry Turret++ (3) – Deployed turrets can now track targets faster and are augmented with auto-fire rockets that fire every few seconds.
[Primary Weapon]
M224-1A LMG (0) – Friend to bunkered soldiers everywhere, the LMG’s iron sights and a large clip size will make the enemy think twice about storming any position.
STA11 SMG (2) – No other automatic weapon is better to close range, in your face encounters than the STA11.
STA3 LMG (3) – Accuracy is overratead. The STA3’s high rate of fire and large clip size will clear out a room in seconds. A formidable close range weapon.
[Secondary Weapons]
STA18 Pistol (1) – Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
VC8 Shotgun Pistol (2) – Best Weapon for close quaters fight, nothing says ‘up close and personal’ like the VC8.
STA2 Battle Pistol (3) – Bring more explosive firepower with you and launch grenades over long distances with the STA2 Battle Pistol.
Marksman Class
[Primary Abilities]
Cloak Suit (0) – Stay cloaked for a limited time. Firing any weapon will disable the cloak and moving around will reduce its effect.
Cloak Suit+ (2) – Stay cloaked indefinitely.
Cloak Suit++ (3) – Stay cloaked indefinitely while firing weapon. Damaging an enemy playing or moving around will cause the cloak to ripple for a short time. Mortally wounding or killing an enemy will disable the clock unless using a silenced weapon.
[Secondary Abilities]
Scramble (1) – The marksman and any allies within 15 meters will not show up on enemy’s radar, even when while firing weapons.
Scramble+ (2) – The marksman and any allies within 15 meters will not be revealed when an enemy tactician uses their Recon ability. Stacks with previous ability.
Scramble++ (3) – Enemies within 15 meters of the Marksman will have their radars disabled. Stacks with previous ability.
[Primary Weapons]
STA14 Rifle (0) – A scoped semi-automatic rifle capable of feeling most targets before they can get near you.
STA52 SMG (2) – Standard Helghast-issued assault rifle equipped with reflex scope. Sturdy, easy to use and ideal for just about any combat situation.
VC32 Sniper Rifle (3) – With long-range zoom and high accuracy, this rifle is capable of felling most foes in a single shot.
[Secondary Weapons]
STA18 Pistol (1) – Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
VC8 Shotgun Pistol (2) – Best Weapon for close quaters fight, nothing says ‘up close and personal’ like the VC8.
M66 Machine Pistol (3)– Equipped with a reflex scope and a silencer, the machine pistol is an ideal weapon for close range, surprise encounters.
Tactician Class
[Primary Abilities]
Tactics (0) – Can capture Tactical spawn areas in the level which, once captured, allow all faction members to spawn there. Some Tactical Spawn Areas may unlock special level specific objects, like jetpacks or mortal becons.
Tactics+ (2) – Reduces the time it takes to capture a Tactical Spawn areas.
Tactics++ (3) – Capture and hold mission areas and Tactical Spawn Areas can be captured at a much faster speed.
[Secondary Abilities]
Recon (1) – Temporarily mark enemy positions on the mini-map. Any enemies within 30 meters of you will be revealed.
Recon+ (2) – Activate and throw a beacon to call in a flying Sentry drone to attack enemies. If no enemies are present, the drone will patrol the vicinity for threats.
Recon++ (3) – Upgrades the Tactician’s sentry drone, allowing it to track and fire faster.
[Primary Weapons]
STA11SE SMG (0)– The STA11SE is perfect for soldiers looking to operate under the radar. The silencer fitted to this sub machine gun is ideal attachment for getting behind enemy lines.
LS13 Shotgun (2) – The LS13 is a powerful semi-automatic shotgun equipped with a reflex scope capable of eliminating targets with a single shot.
M82 Assault Riffle (3) – Standard issue to all ISA combatants, the assault riffle is well suited to most combat situation. Equipped with a reflex scope, this weapon is deadly in the hands of an experienced soldier.
[Secondary Weapons]
STA18 Pistol (1) – Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
M4 Revolver (2) – One shot from this six-shooter will severely cripple an enemy or kill a wounded one.
VC9 Missile Launcher (3) – Capable of destroying turrets and drones in a single shot, the VC9 missle launcher is the very definition of an anti armor weapon.
Infiltrator Class
[Primary Abilities]
Disguise (0) – Infiltrators can disguise themselves as a member of the opposing faction for a limited time. Any enemies targeting the Infiltrator can see through their disguise.
Disguise+ (2) – In addition to being indefinitely disguised, Infiltrators are undetectable by Engineer turrets, Sentry drones, and Medi-Droids. enemies at medium range can see through their disguise.
Disguise++ (3) – Perfrom melee attacks without breaking disguise. Only close range enemies can see through their disguise. Stack with previous abilities.
[Secondary Abilities]
Survivalist (1) – Increase stamina by 50% and allows the infiltrator to spring at faster than normal speeds.
Survivalist+ (2) – Unlimited stamina allows the infiltrator to spring indefinitely.
Survivalist++ (3) – “Use” actions, such as placing and disarming explosives, are completed 50% faster.
[Primary Weapons]
LS13 Shotgun (0) – The LS13 is a powerful semi-automatic shotgun equipped with a reflex scope capable of eliminating targets with a single shot.
STA11 SMG (2) – No other automatic weapon is better suited to close-range, in-your-face encounters than the STA 11.
STA52 Assault Rifle (3) – The standard issue Helghast Assault rifle complete with Reflex scope, silencer and burst fire mode. Ideal at medium range and won’t show up on enemy radar screen when fired.
[Secondary Weapons]
STA18 Pistol (1) – Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
STA2 Battle Pistol (2) – Bring more explosive firepower with you and launch grenades over long distances with the STA2 Battle Pistol.
VC9 Missle Launcher (3) – Capable of destroying turrets and drones in a single shot, the VC9 missle launcher is the very definition of an anti armor weapon.
Field Medic Class
[Primary Abilities]
Revive (0) – Players are revived with full health and a clip of ammo.
Revive+ (2) – Mortally wounded players are revived with higher maximum health, 2 clips of ammo, and 1 explosive.
Revive++ (3) – Mortally wounded players are revived with higher maximum health, ammunitions and grenades.
[Secondary Abilities]
Triage (1) – An aura of health is emitted from the Field medic, regenerating himself and nearby faction members.
Triage+ (2) – Deploys hovering Medi-droid that will accompany and provide cover for the Field Medic until death.
Triage++ (3) – If still mortally wounded at the end of the respawn timer, the field medic will be given the option to stand back up where he fell with his full health and ammunition. This ability can be used once per life.
[Primary Weapons]
STA11 SMG (0) – No other automatic weapon is better suited to close-range, in-your-face encounters than the STA 11.
LS13 Shotgun (2) – The LS13 is a powerful semi-automatic shotgun equipped with a reflex scope capable of eliminating targets with a single shot.
M82 Assault Rifle (3) – Standard issue to all ISA combatants, the assault riffle is well suited to most combat situation. Equipped with a reflex scope, this weapon is deadly in the hands of an experienced soldier.
[Secondary Weapons]
STA18 Pistol (1) – Standard issue semi-automatic pistol.
M4 Revolver (2) – One shot from this six-shooter will severely cripple an enemy or kill a wounded one.
M66 Machine Pistol (3) – Equipped with a reflex scope and a silencer, the machine pistol is an ideal weapon for close range, surprise encounters.
All Classes
Armor – Equip Armor that absorbs damage that would normally reduce your health.
Rank needed: Corporal
Silent Footsteps – When equipped, enemy players will not hear your footsteps.
Rank needed: – Sergeant First Class
Extra Ammo – Equipped your primary and secondary weapons with additional ammunition.
Rank needed: – Master Sergeant
Extra Primary Weapon – Substitute a secondary weapon with a previously unlocked primary weapon.
Rank needed: – Warrant Officer
M194 Frag Grenade – Equip and use Fragmentation grenades. Hold down R2 before releasing it to cook the grenade longer.
Rank needed: None
Proximity Mine – Equip and use Proximity mines. When an enemy is within range of a placed Proximity mine, it will auto detonate.
Upon using the weapon multiple times (ie. 50, 100, 250, & 500), players are able to gain bonus experience in addition to the experience that is obtained on the game modes and kills. Up to 5000 bonus experience can be obtained. Use multiple weapons to gain these bonus experience points.