If you just cant wait till the release of Pokemon Black and White, Nintendo has released information that you can obtain a Shiny Raikou, Entei and Suicune via Wifi.
This is not the first time we’ve seen this event though which leads to some questions… In Japan you could only get one of them at a central location which got you a random one of the three. In the US there was several stores which had them and you could go to all three and collect them all. Sadly Europes promo was not detailed but fingers crossed you can obtain all three.
If you’re still not interested in a free shiny pokemon it also unlocks an in game event on Black and White where you will fight a level 30 Zoroark which you CAN capture. Zoroark can take the form of different pokemon but can only be captured when it reverts to its normal form.
In addition to this event there will be another event with Celebi that unlocks an in game event to get a Zorua, the pre-evolved form of Zoroark.
If this sounds up your ally the Shiny Raikou, Entei, Suicune event will take place on February 7th 2011, and the Celebi event will take place some time after. Finally just a reminder that Black and White comes out on March 4th.