The Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinite demo… might just last as long as the name suggests. If you never looked into Phantasy Star online or later, this is just the chance you’ve been waiting for! This psp demo, is as full as several beta’s on consoles. The demo features the first two chapters, some newer items, 4x offline co op, and a level cap of 100. This can all be yours on January 11th, if that doesnt wow you then I guess you’re ou… in luck! 9 days later on the 20th there will be a lincese item in the PSN store to allow you to play online with others. The only downside is that the demo’s online part will die when PSP2I is released on February 24th.
So if you have 600 mb, and the latest firmware give it a look! I doubt you’ll be disappointed, and even if you’re… well all data from the demo transfers to the full game, so I don’t know what else you could expect or want.