Now that the much awaited 3D Dot Game Heroes is now available for the PlayStation 3, we would like to present our Trophy Guide for the game.
In 3D Dot Game Heroes, there are 50 Trophies that can be obtained. 42 are Bronze, 5 Silver, 3 Gold , and 1 Platinum. Obtaining them in one play through is entirely possible but it takes a lot of time if gamers desire a Platinum. Here are the list of Trophies that can be obtained in Atlus’ 3D Dot Game Heroes.
Editor’s Note: If you wish to get the all of the Trophies in one play through, save often and make sure not to die. Read every detail of the Trophy requirements to make sure you won’t miss anything. In this guide, all are pretty straight forward except for a few. Look for the “Editor’s Note” when a Trophy requirements requires an explanation. Enjoy~!

Sliced & Diced
Defeat a Foe with the Sword
Defeat a Foe with a Bow
Defeat a Foe with a Bomb
Getting the Hang of it?
Play the game for five straight hours
Guard an Attack
A Formidable Foe has Fallen
Defeated a Guardian
Bested Eelagon
Defeat the boss, Eelagon without taking any damage
Bested Queen Bee
Defeat the boss, Queen Bee without taking any damage
Bested Giga Golem
Defeat the boss, Giga Golem without taking any damage
Bested Kraken
Defeat the boss, Kraken without any damage
Bested Dragon
Defeat the boss, Dragon without any damage
Bested Dark Knight
Defeat the boss, Dark Knight without any damage
Bested Fuelle
Defeat the boss, Fuelle without any damage
Bested Onyx
Defeat the boss, Onyx without any damage
Found Sue
Find the fairy Sue
Found Ai
Find the fairy Ai
It’s Magic
Use a Shader Magic
Life is Precious
Max out the life bar
Master Magician
Max out the magic bar
Rescued the Princess
Princess was restored to her true form
Have a nice night?
Rested at an Inn with the Princess
The Adventure Continues
Cleared the game without restoring the princess
Editor’s Note: Near the end game, you must choose whether to have the Princess restored to her former self or not. Only one trophy will unlock. Save before confirming this action
And Everyone Lived Happily Ever After
Cleared the game with the princess restored
Editor’s Note: Near the end game, you must choose whether to have the Princess restored to her former self or not. Only one trophy will unlock. Save before confirming this action
Booked a Monster
Booked a Monster in the Bestiary
Editor’s Note: “Booked” means their data must show in the Bestiary.
Booked Eelagon
Booked Eelagon in the Bestiary
Booked Queen Bee
Booked Queen Bee in the Bestiary
Booked Giga Golem
Booked Giga Golem in the Bestiary
Booked Kraken
Booked Kraken in the Bestiary
Booked Dragon
Booked Dragon in the Bestiary
Booked Dark Knight
Booked Dark Knight in the Bestiary
Booked Fuelle
Booked Fuelle in the Bestiary
Obtained the Ancient Sword
Acquire the Old Sword
Obtained the Holy Sword
Acquire the Holy Sword
King Block’s Seal of Approval
Acquire a sword from King Block
Forged a Sword
Made your sword stronger at the blacksmith
That’s a Big Fat Sword
Maxed out the Giga Sword
You’re a Survivor
Survived Spelunker mode for 10 hours.
Souvenir Photoshoot
Took a Snapshot
Souvenir Photoshoot
Took a Snapshot
Obtained the Hero’s Shield
Acquire the Hero’s Shield
Spelunker’s Savior
Clear the Spelunker’s Event
Booked Onyx
Booked Onyx in the Bestiary
Wow! You Obtained the Hero’s Sword!
Acquired the Hero Sword
Around the World
Visited all locations in the Map
Flawless Hero!
Cleared the Game without Dying!
And the World Was Saved!
Cleared the game in FROM mode
Spelunker Extraordinaire!
Cleared Spelunker mode
All Swords Obtained
Acquire all the swords in the game
Bestiary Complete
Booked all monsters in the Bestiary.
Congratulations! Thank you for playing this far!
May 20, 2010 at 6:13 PMWhy do people call a trophy list a trophy guide?
Oh because they are spamming keywords for Google. What happens when I find a trophy guide that is a list? I don’t use it. I goto a place that understands the definition of lists and guides.
Jon Christopher
May 20, 2010 at 6:36 PMLol. The description for achieving each Trophy on 3D Dot Game Heroes is very straight forward. Even a pre-school kid can understand them.
When you say a list, it’s only a list with no description how to get them. A guide has a description that tells you HOW to get them. Do you understand the difference?