According to SouthPeak Games, Dementium fans eager to play the second installment of Dementium on their Nintendo DS will have to wait until May 4th. Originally set for an April 20th release, SouthPeak Games is having shipping delays with Dementium II so they’ve decided to push it back until May 4th.
Dementium II continues to push the horror experience by melding FPS action and puzzles with a story and ambience that will have players on the edge of their seats. New wrinkles to gameplay, all new weapons, dual wielding items, improved interface and save system, and mind-boggling environments promise to engage gamers and spawn fear the likes of which some never thought possible.
Dementium II for the Nintendo DS is one of the more decent first person horror-games that no one should miss! Check back for our review of the game near the release date of the game.