Extremely hyped games generally tend to get Special Editions off the bat, probably the most recent example being Bayonetta. Following tradition, the ‘interactive-drama’ Heavy Rain is also set to get a Special Edition in Europe, but not North America for untold reasons.
As you can see from the above, the Special Edition will contain: an origami model, a fold poster featuring clues to puzzles, the official soundtrack, a dynamic XMB theme and a PlayStation Network voucher for the first episode of downloadable content, Chronicle 1 – The Taxidermist.
The Special Edition certainly looks spectacular, and I must say I just adore the box-art for this game! Why it isn’t heading for North America remains to be seen, but until then, get your pre-orders in before February 24 (26 for UK and Ireland) fans! In the UK, the Special Edition will be marketed exclusively by retailer HMV.